18 Jun 2024

Call for BCO Research, Spring 2024

I am pleased to be able to announce the BCO’s Spring 2024 Call for Research. We are inviting BCO members to submit proposals to undertake research projects of relevance to the overall objectives of the BCO. The general scope of the BCO’s current research interests can be found in our Pillar Research paper

The following summary diagram illustrates our four thematic areas of interest, the implications that we are seeking to draw out and, finally how the recommendations can be socially relevant.

Guidance on how to prepare a submission can be found here.

We are looking to commission high quality, evidence-based work which produces informative conclusions and practical recommendations. We welcome proposals from single forms or consortia of blended skills. Proposals will be considered by the BCO Research Committee and judged on a case-by-case basis.

If you would like to discuss an idea before preparing a formal proposal, then please do not hesitate to contact myself.

Rob Harris
M: 07836 563 416